Thursday, 16 July 2015

The case for selfcare

Self care has emerged as a hot topic for today's women trying to balance the responsibilities of work and family. Defines self-care as combinations of fulfilling activities or quiet moments that allow individuals to rejuvenate their energies and regain his joy for life.

Unfortunately, self-care is not generally supported by our culture, and some people equate self-care with abandoning responsibilities or being self-centered. Women often are criticized for taking better care of others than themselves. For example, you can hear someone say, "is not Sarah remarkable; it puts everyone's needs above his own." Or, Lisa, I do not know how it operates in only five hours of sleep per night; It is not that extraordinary? "As a result, many women are suffering near epidemic levels of physical, emotional and spiritual fatigue.

I think that taking time for yourself allows you to be a better wife, mother, friend and entrepreneur. Note the following:

It is to promote self-care. By implementing a healthy practice into your routine, you're taking charge of your life. You are the expert on your needs, and if you do not recognize the importance?

We are not benefiting our families when we take time for ourselves. Because we are emotionally drained, ones recognize that we are worn out and frustrated. While we do our best to respond to their needs, often they feel guilty for needing us.

When we are overwhelmed, we lack the energy and focus making it clear that you would normally. We are unable to problem solve in a useful way. By practicing self care regularly, we are better able to handle life's challenges.

They serve as role models for our children. When we take care of ourselves, we show an example of positive self-esteem and healthy behaviors.

He recently moved to a new area and have met several of my neighbors. Kerri lives near me and, like many of us, she and her husband are balancing career and family. As we turned up, I told Kerri that I am a coach and workshop leader of life for women, immediately launching the importance of self-care. Kerri and understand my philosophy and said, "I compare care of one of a cup in the sink itself as the cup sits there, gradually collecting raindrops No appreciable current of water is always necessary to keep full..; . drops enough time to fill up That's the way it is with self care; If I take care of myself slowly, I can then make my reservations and never be empty ". What a great analogy I learned from my new friend!

If we do a few things regularly, to renew our energy and revitalize our spirit, we can continue to offer to others from a place of abundance. We have within us further to share with our friends and family resources.

Challenge to try some of the activities (soothing and reflective or stimulants) for the next month. Organize the time in your schedule for self-care and notice how much better you feel. You and your loved ones are worth every precious moment you use to nurture.

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