Monday, 6 July 2015

Exercise After Pregnancy

Generally most women can begin a formal exercise program within 6 weeks of delivery, though this could be a bit longer for some women, including those recovering from a C-section. Most women recovering from a cesarean will be able to exercise after the incision has healed and your doctor has cleared them for exercise.

How soon begin an exercise program will depend in part on how you feel. If you had an easy delivery with few interventions and without tearing and exercised regularly before birth, you may feel some light exercise within 2 weeks of giving birth.

If this is the case, your doctor will probably be allowed to participate in some light activities such as walking. Strenuous activity should generally be avoided however until several weeks after birth.

However, for some women even light exercise in the weeks after delivery is not possible. If you had an episiotomy or tore severely while delivering for example, your body may not physically be ready for a formal exercise program for at least 4-6 weeks after birth (note ... this is also how long most physicians recommend that women abstain from intercourse!).

How soon begin exercising thus it depends on your body and your unique situation. Make sure you check with your doctor before embarking on a new exercise program regardless of your activity level before and during pregnancy.

Say again because it is important ... YOU MUST CHECK WITH YOUR DOCTOR IF want to embark on an exercise program. Your body goes through a lot of physical trauma when giving birth. Starting an exercise program too soon will delay your recovery and could potentially injure your body permanently. It may also take more than six weeks to heal fully if you start exercising too soon.

Now, if you feel better and capable of working out before reaching the six-week mark, do not hesitate to contact your health care provider. Most will encourage light exercise such as walking, and some may encourage other types of activity particularly if you were active before you became pregnant.

Every individual is unique and different, thus their ability to return to a regular exercise routine will vary after delivery. It is important to listen to your body.

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