Friday, 17 July 2015

History of the Mediterranean diet

In recent years a growing number of men and women in different countries has become increasingly concerned about their health. Due to the fact that many people have become more health-conscious in general, these men and women have paid more attention to what they eat regularly. In short, these men and women take dietary decisions designed to improve your overall health and wellness.

As people have become more conscious about their health and diet, a considerable number of these same men and women has become interested in the regime of the Mediterranean diet. If you are, in fact, a person who appreciates the relationship between diet and health, which have a definite interest in the history of the Mediterranean diet regimen.

Before you can properly understand what the Mediterranean diet is, you need to appreciate that it is more a concept than a specific routine meals. Actually, there is no such thing as a Mediterranean diet common to all countries of the Mediterranean region of the world. By contrast, the "Mediterranean diet" consists of foods that people living in different countries in the region consume in common.

The origins of the Mediterranean diet

The concept of the Mediterranean diet comes from eating habits and patterns of the people who populate the countries of Italy, Greece, Spain, France, Tunisia, Lebanon and Morocco. As a result, the Mediterranean diet includes a wide variety of delicious foods. In fact, if a person chooses to adopt the concept of Mediterranean dining scheme, or if a person chooses to follow a Mediterranean diet regimen, he or she will have the ability to enjoy a remarkable variety of scrumptious dishes.

The diet of the people who have populated the regions around the Mediterranean Sea have really changed almost completely for over 1000 years. The history of the region is replete with examples of men and women who live in a similar situation who consumed alternate diets. Through the centuries, the people of the Mediterranean Sea has enjoyed longer than people in other parts of the world in the same historical epoch lives.

At the heart of the Mediterranean diet are foods and drinks that are indigenous to the continental geographical mass surrounding the Mediterranean Sea. In short, the development of the Mediterranean diet and dining pattern initially developed by providence. The people of the region natural and understandable ate food and drank those beverages that were readily available around their homes.

The historical elements of Mediterranean diet plan

As the diet of the peoples of the region mentioned above sea for centuries, the Mediterranean has remained essentially unchanged. The Mediterranean diet is heavy consumption of a variety of healthy foods such as:

Fresh fruit

Fresh vegetables

Low fat nuts

Whole grains

Monounsaturated fat

In a similar vein, the Mediterranean diet used by people generation after generation excludes or limits certain foods that have been deemed harmful in recent scientific studies. These less desirable foods include:

Saturated fats

Red and fatty meat

Dairy Rich

Fatty fish
The historical effects of the Mediterranean diet plan

As referred to earlier in this article on the history of the Mediterranean diet regime, the people who inhabit the region have a demonstrably lower rate of heart disease and related diseases that often have a direct connection from the diet. With the advent of which have correlated the incidence of health problems with poor diet, the positive effects of the Mediterranean diet scientific studies have become self-evident.

Research during the past two decades has conclusively shown that men and women who populate the Mediterranean region are afflicted with heart disease and similar ailments far less often than people in other regions of the world. The experts who conducted these studies have concluded that there is a strong likelihood that the scheme diet that is common in the Mediterranean region is responsible for maintaining the health of people living in that part of the world over the last 1000 years.


 The expansive use of historical Mediterranean diet regimen
During the last twenty years, a significant number of people in different countries of the world has turned its attention towards finding healthy diet regimens that are low in saturated fat and include generous servings of fruits and vegetables. Therefore, the Mediterranean diet has caught the eye of many people who want to include healthy eating in their overall course of prudent living. In summary, the Mediterranean diet includes foods and beverages, w

Basics of black hair

The typical hair and hair follicles of people of African descent are tightly curled, thus producing hair spirals. Black hair also typically has a higher than Caucasian hair and retains less water diameter, thus its relative "perversion". The many styling methods used in disturbing black hair with hair loss. Black hair is very strong, fortunately terms of black hair styles cause a lot of stress on the hair and scalp.

For example, using a hair pick to pick up a thick hair style is a very damaging process due to the constant tensile stress causing the hair shaft and follicle. In fact, combing black hair in general can create high voltage black hair and break, which perpetuates dryness. Conrowing and braiding are methods of hairdressing to straighten the hair, and this can cause a lot of stress on the hair resulting in hair loss on the scalp. Resulting in braided hair pulled tight can cause traumatic alopecia, a hair loss that is caused by trauma to the hair and scalp. Traumatic alopecia is usually reversible with proper hair care.

Hot combs and relaxers used to straighten hair can cause a lot of heat and damages the hair and scalp, which can also cause traumatic alopecia, and over time can cause permanent hair loss. This is especially true when the heat or chemically processed hair is pulled tight by rollers or a hot iron.

Hot oil conditioners are excellent for black hair, as hot oil treatments contain proteins and polymers vital to repairing the hair cuticles. Hot oil treatments include heating oil and put it in the hair and scalp, then cover the hair with a plastic cap to allow the oil to penetrate. Follow the recommendations on the treatment used during the time you should leave the treatment on the hair. This process can heal breakages and shinier stronger hair will be the result.

Consider that hair relaxers used in the black hair contain lye or similar chemicals that break down the hair fiber. Left beyond the recommended time, these chemicals eat right through the hair and cause it to fall out in clumps. That is why these same products are used in products like Drano ® to clean clogged drains which often are clogged by hair. Lye relaxers are not very popular today, mainly because it leads people to believe that the product is not caustic.

This is far from the truth. The combination of calcium hydroxide and guanidine carbonate are combined to form guanidine hydroxide, which could easily clean a sink. Repeated use of these products may cause some degree of hair loss, and if scarring occurs while using these chemicals, hair loss may be permanent in that area of ​​the scalp. Does one must ask is advisable to place such caustic chemicals in the hair on a regular basis for the sake of desired appearance? The question must be answered by each individual, however, they must know the facts.

There is little that can be done to alleviate this syndrome without changing the typical hairstyles of African Americans. There is an impasse on relaxing black hair, black hair combed as natural cause so much stress and breakage of hair, while chemicals cause so much damage to the hair and scalp and leather. There is a hair relaxing products on the market that use chemicals and are somewhat less harsh than sodium hydroxide (lye) or its equivalent in relaxing popular "no-lye": calcium hydroxide (lime) mixed with guanidine carbonate. One such product is called Natural-Soft ® and clay Sahara ® by Baka ProductsTM leading the market since 1990.

 This product is completely natural and it does not contain many harsh chemicals business and really relaxing contains finely ground plant called Daphne gnidium Africa and clay is calculated to be relatively safe. Of course this product does not straighten hair in most cases the same way as commercial relaxers, however tend to do black hair more manageable. However no other product on the market that is 92-96% natural Naturalaxer called ™ Kit in a jar that does not require the applicant to comb the hair during application, resulting in less damage.

Of course the bottom line is once again, if you can leave your hair in its natural state then less stress and damage to the hair are experienced and thus prevent at least one cause of hair loss. There is a growing segment of the black population that is comfortable to wear their hair in natural styles. One such style is dreadlocks. There are many rumors and myths concerning dreadlocks, as there is little proper information available concerning this style, and as with anything that is misunderstood many myths arise around it. Dreadlocks can and must be washed; otherwise they stink like any other dirty hair. It is the best process to use to wash dreadlocks

Thursday, 16 July 2015

How to plan a wedding in 10 days and maintain a modest budget

1. borrow her wedding dress
Is it the same dress size as another female relative or friend? Ask if you can use your wedding dress on your wedding! Not only it looks fabulous, but you will have your "something borrowed" tradition. Also, if you borrow the dress of a member of the family, who will make the dress more special. Buy your garter belt and shoes in a wedding shop or even a handicrafts shop. You will have your "something new" and if you get a link with a blue bow, is the "something blue". As for "something old", she borrows an article by a family member that has sentimental value. Take good care of it and give it back after the wedding!

2. Make invitations
Obviously you do not have time to order invitations, so make them yourself! You can purchase wedding invitation paper supply store in your local office, most of them come with a template that can be loaded onto your hard drive. Then design the invitation on your computer using the actual facsimile of the invitation on the screen. The package even includes some regular paper to test their designs before printing. Tag purchase email you can print from your computer as well. This will save much time and probably prevent him developing carpal tunnel syndrome in between!

3. talk to someone in the wedding venue
You want to have the wedding ceremony - a church, temple, nondenominational magistrate cameras - Make sure to reserve the date and time you want or need for the wedding. If you need any special equipment, like a chuppah (ceremonial hall) to a Jewish wedding, make sure they are available. Ask prices and see if you can cut a deal considering the short term.

4. a book house
Hard to book a reception in so little time? Take it into the house of a relative. Chances are you are getting married in one of their places of origin (if not share it) or the current place of residence. What better way to save money on a banquet hall than by having the reception at the home of someone you know? Just make sure it is large enough to accommodate all your guests, food, cake, music and gifts. If you prefer, you can even have the ceremony at home.

5. find a wholesale florist
Find a local wholesale florist. Not only usually have many people working for them (ie they can get large orders in a short time), but since they receive their supplies will get a better wholesale price. Allergic to real flowers? Tell them to make false Ramos. They make it look so beautiful and you can even make them look real by adding effects (ie, clear glue droplets to see how the water).

6. plan the menu and do it yourself
Does not mean cook everything yourself, but you can order deli trays, vegetables and fruits and have someone pick them up and put them in the shelter during the ceremony. buying bottles of soda on sale and big bags of ice. Use cups and paper plates and use plastic utensils and buy a vinyl tablecloth projected. This will also make the cleaning much easier for whoever ends up cleaning. They agradecere you for it later.

7. friends, friends, friends
Still they need music, pictures and a cake? Ask your friends! Even if none of your friends is a DJ / KJ, photographer or baker, chances are you know some people who can get you a deal. If you can not afford a photographer, you probably have a friend who takes amazing photos. They make the memories of your wedding. If there are photos of the family and you want to make sure you let them know. That someone you know is famous for its cake things to do. It may not be the cake five levels dreamed when you were ten, but will be special with it. If you're lucky, you have a friend who specializes in decorating cakes can build your dream of five levels. Use a small boom box for music at the ceremony and just have someone push the buttons. Make CD mixes of the songs you want in the order you want. The person with a list of what is at stake when and let them source. They have the same person bring the boom box to the shelter so you have your wedding party intros, first dance, etc ..
So there you have it. It takes some time, but all the trouble you will avoid marrying so quickly. There will be no time change your mind about anything, much less change it several times. These seven tips will allow heart to have a wedding without complications, moderate budget of your dreams!

The case for selfcare

Self care has emerged as a hot topic for today's women trying to balance the responsibilities of work and family. Defines self-care as combinations of fulfilling activities or quiet moments that allow individuals to rejuvenate their energies and regain his joy for life.

Unfortunately, self-care is not generally supported by our culture, and some people equate self-care with abandoning responsibilities or being self-centered. Women often are criticized for taking better care of others than themselves. For example, you can hear someone say, "is not Sarah remarkable; it puts everyone's needs above his own." Or, Lisa, I do not know how it operates in only five hours of sleep per night; It is not that extraordinary? "As a result, many women are suffering near epidemic levels of physical, emotional and spiritual fatigue.

I think that taking time for yourself allows you to be a better wife, mother, friend and entrepreneur. Note the following:

It is to promote self-care. By implementing a healthy practice into your routine, you're taking charge of your life. You are the expert on your needs, and if you do not recognize the importance?

We are not benefiting our families when we take time for ourselves. Because we are emotionally drained, ones recognize that we are worn out and frustrated. While we do our best to respond to their needs, often they feel guilty for needing us.

When we are overwhelmed, we lack the energy and focus making it clear that you would normally. We are unable to problem solve in a useful way. By practicing self care regularly, we are better able to handle life's challenges.

They serve as role models for our children. When we take care of ourselves, we show an example of positive self-esteem and healthy behaviors.

He recently moved to a new area and have met several of my neighbors. Kerri lives near me and, like many of us, she and her husband are balancing career and family. As we turned up, I told Kerri that I am a coach and workshop leader of life for women, immediately launching the importance of self-care. Kerri and understand my philosophy and said, "I compare care of one of a cup in the sink itself as the cup sits there, gradually collecting raindrops No appreciable current of water is always necessary to keep full..; . drops enough time to fill up That's the way it is with self care; If I take care of myself slowly, I can then make my reservations and never be empty ". What a great analogy I learned from my new friend!

If we do a few things regularly, to renew our energy and revitalize our spirit, we can continue to offer to others from a place of abundance. We have within us further to share with our friends and family resources.

Challenge to try some of the activities (soothing and reflective or stimulants) for the next month. Organize the time in your schedule for self-care and notice how much better you feel. You and your loved ones are worth every precious moment you use to nurture.

Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Chicago laser hair removal

Chicago, land of the brisk breeze and whipping wind, is also home to people who love laser hair removal. Chicago residents are busy people and quick to recognize the many positive aspects of laser hair removal: quick, efficient and permanent.

Laser hair removal can, for Chicago residents, rid them of unwanted hair line facial, back, leg and armpit or bikini. The only hair that can not be removed from a Chicago head by laser hair removal is fluff.

Within six months of laser hair removal by a licensed cosmetic specialist, one must get rid of 60 to 95 percent of that unwanted hair.

For information on reputable physicians, reliable in Chicago that perform laser hair removal, the best place to start - as with any business or medical recommendation - would get suggestions from friends and family. There is nothing better than a recommendation from a friend, family member or colleague whose opinion has in esteem.

The following resource may be your family doctor. If these ideas may not always get online and check out the various resources of Internet yellow pages. In Chicago, the primary Yellow Page carrier would be Verizon, whose listings online yellow pages are in In fact, the results of the search to a good net Chicago laser hair removal specialists.

Note also that laser hair removal specialists are not all physicians. Specific training for laser hair removal is offered not only for Chicago specialists but also for others in every corner of the globe.

Laser hair removal treatment training for Chicago area professionals includes the biology and growth cycles of human hair, laser physics, safety concerns of the treatment and the best way to market the business of treatment of laser hair removal.

One thing for sure in Chicago: hair removal is gaining much popularity. If you have hair to be deleted permanently, then you may want to perform laser hair removal as a viable option. Alternatively, if you are considering getting into a beauty business is on an upward trend, laser hair removal is an idea to check out!

Hair style magazines waste money, these are the best

It's no secret that there are a lot of misleading beauty advice there. Why So where to turn for the latest styles, trends and advice? A good place to start is with a leading, reputable Magazine style magazine or black hair.

When you choose one of the leading hair style magazines or black hair magazines over other publications, access to the latest trends and insider secrets in the beauty industry. You no longer have to wait until it becomes a popular trend and dozens of people are using before catching. By subscribing to a magazine hair style, you can keep your eye on the upcoming styles and get there before anyone else.

Why So which style magazine should you buy? Here are comments from five leading hair style magazines to aid you in your decision (and details of how you can get discounted prices):

"American Hall. American Salon is the style of head hair Magazine among professionals. Within the pages of this magazine are insider secrets, trends and techniques have been introduced only for professional beauty line. Here you can learn about the latest innovative products and beauty treatments, the latest cut and color trends, and other tidbits of knowledge while the professionals do. While this magazine is great to stay informed about everything that is happening in the industry beauty, is not ideal for choosing your next haircut. Filled with industry jargon and how-to articles, most of the information contained in this hair style magazine would not appreciate a non-professional.

"Celebrity Hairstyles. If you are looking for all the hottest styles worn Hollywood, Celebrity Hairstyles could be just the hair style magazine to bring all together for you. Ever wonder how Hilary Duff and Faith Hill got those softly tousled locks? I wonder no more. Not only is this hair style magazine full of pictures of the latest celebrity styles also has technical information on how to do that you can take along with you to the salon.

"Hair hype. When it comes to finding a black leader hair magazine, there is none better than the hair of Hype. Called the" style guide for black women today, "it features hype hair-date innovative hairstyles, interviews, contests and funky fresh hair styles. From the elegant and sedate funky and corn rowed, there is a style for everyone in this black hair magazine.

"Modern Lounge. This hair style magazine is similar to American Salon in that it caters to professionals. With the latest trends and interviews with top professionals, modern living takes a fresh, modern look in the beauty industry as a whole including nails, makeup, hair color, skin care.

"Short Hair Styles. This is perhaps the hair style magazine and black hair magazine that I have seen since in the living room more often by customers. The pages of Short Hair Styles are filled with color photos of the latest colors and styles cutting. Here you can find a cut for any texture of hair and ethnicity. From the textured spike to the soft curled, there is really a short style for everyone in this magazine.

In addition to these hair style magazines, there are several women's magazines that offer fabulous hair care tips. Vogue, Glamour and First are just a sampling of the many magazines that offer items for deep hair care tips hair care professionals. For many, these magazines are the best way to keep up with current trends and style ideas.

Tuesday, 14 July 2015

Natural Mineral Makuep give the gift of Mineral Makeup to Fight Acne

The holiday season is fast approaching, and maybe have a special someone who suffers from acne. The dilemma is how to present them with a gift this holiday season that helps them to fight acne without seeming overly rude or insulting in the process.

Believe me, some people offends the idea of ​​trying to help you with gifts of "practical" to help with your condition. Although it was meant to please. Most people want that is not only pleasing to the eye, but also has both use and meaning in their world.

For the acne sufferer who wish to acquire a bottle of Proactiv for themselves, but receiveing ​​as altogher gift is another story. Something that is really nice astheitally and helps fight and prevent acne can be a challenge.

There is an option however; mineral makeup is a solution that is not only pleasing to the eye, but is also recommended by dermatologists the world over to help fight acne and calm the skin. Because mineral makeup is free of oil and dust from land so beautiful not clog pores it is ideal to prevent new breakouts.

Mineral makeup is made from natural minerals extracted from the earth and ground into a fine powder. Different combinations of the minerals produce different colors for a wide range of colors so there is no need for dies or chemicals.

Mineral makeup is not soluble in water and sheilds skin moisture getting into the pores when worn. If he dies moisture to enter the pores, bacteria that feeds acne. The primary ingredients in mineral makeup are titanium dioxide and zinc oxide. You may recognize these minerals in the ingredients list on the back of any bottle of sunscreen. This is because these minerals are natural protector. Zinc oxide is also known as it has properties skin soothing.

Mineral makeup is very pleasing to the eye because the powders melt on the skin perfectly and need a small amount to cover the skin that look very natural. Zinc oxide and titanium dioxide also reflact light and give your face a beautiful glow without looking shiny.

Make sure you check the labels, but for Oxychloride of Bismouth, a mineral added to some top name brands to give the makeup a shiny look. Bismouth Oxychloride can irritate acne.

Giving the gift of every healthy natural beauty this season does not have to be impossible with mineral makeup.

Design your own beautiful wedding ring

 It used to be that if you want to buy a nice wedding ring as you'd have to visit some fancy jewelry store High-End and be willing to part with a large portion of your wedding budget.

This is still the case for some people, but thanks to our modern times is now possible for you and anyone who wants a custom wedding ring to create a unique wedding ring diamond from the comfort of your home.

Oleg Cassini will have nothing on you as you sit in your chair sipping a soda looking at the wedding ring made readily available photos of your favorite jewelry store online.

You will quickly see that it is easy to design your own wedding ring online. The first thing you want to watch when you propose to build your own wedding ring is the setting. You have the option of wedding ring settings in various metals such as gold, white gold, sterling silver and platinum. While studying the stylish settings, be sure to check the size of the ring accuracy buying a wedding ring comfortable fitting.

Then you'll want to select the right diamond to fit your environment. They are common diamond cut shapes: round, pear, emerald, princess, marquis, oval, radiant, heart and Asscher. It will probably take a while just studying all the attributes of the various diamond shapes and sizes. Of course, you can always buy online configuration and then take it to your local jeweler to fit with a diamond.

You are the designer extraordinaire! They are not bound by what someone else thinks you will like. So go ahead and feel free to create your own wedding ring. There is no one to please but you.

Monday, 13 July 2015

Choosing the perfect wedding dress

How much are you willing to spend?
The truth of the matter is your wedding dress a fraction of the total cost of a wedding. Before you go picking a dress, you first need to decide how much of your budge "everything" is willing to spend on clothing. There are many great looking dresses for a very reasonable price and beautiful dresses that can cost as much as most people of any wedding. According to the designer and material cost can vary greatly. You need to know your limit and shop within it.

What is worn with the dress?
The dress is only part of your total appearance on her wedding day. You need to decide what you use. Accessories such as, well, shoes, jewelry etc., are all contributing factors when choosing your perfect dress. Her dress and accessories should all flow together in a beautiful piece.

There are many amazing styles out there right now. Some brides choose to go with classic looks that have passed the tests of time, while others want a more contemporary style. Your dress should fit within the theme of your wedding. If you are going for a very traditional theme, gown should be very conservative and fit within that theme. For some great ideas to choose the style that is right for you check out.

Once these questions are answered you are ready to dive into the world nice dresses. One of the biggest mistakes new brides make is letting their mother, big brother or sale seller choose their dress for them. The bottom line is, "" you have to decide is whether-or-not a special dress for you. The wedding day is supposed to be one of the best days of your life. Everything is supposed to be just perfect, so do not settle with any dress. Choose one that's right for you in every way. Do not forget you need to get the right clothes, shoes and jewelry, to go with your beautiful wedding dress, but that's for another time.

Rawsome beauty luck of the draw or to everyone

All my life, I wanted to be beautiful. In today's society, it is more acceptable to insist that you "beautiful inside" Unfortunately, those of us on the outside do not see the internal organs. Wanting to be beautiful is now criticized as shallow. Sorry, but rather it is perceived as shallow than hypocritical because I find it impossible to believe that no woman is least she can be content.

Personal initiative is a powerful force in achieving goals and achieve wealth. That beauty? Are we desperately helpless here, or is there a way to bring under personal control? I think we have so much influence in the beautiful being that we have to achieve anything we put our minds. But we have not been looking in the right places for beauty.

The most inspiring books about becoming wealthy are written by people who have made rags to riches. However, tips for being beautiful often comes from those blessed with exceptional beauty to begin with. For a woman born beautiful to teach others how to become beautiful is like a sweepstakes winner teaching how to make a fortune through hard work. Is there a way to achieve beauty for those of us who are not big winners in the genetic lottery?

Good news! It is biologically possible to look beautiful at any age. If you do not see yourself as beautiful, it is because your beauty is unclaimed. His body has never given an opportunity to reveal how you can look at when the best nutrition and care.

Some of our physical characteristics we can not change, are determined by our lineage, food choices our mothers take during pregnancy and our environment. Oriental diagnosis has noted that small eyes are caused by consumption of cooked animal and plant during pregnancy and early childhood products. Big eyes, however, are caused by eating raw vegetables, fruits and fruit juices. Long eyelashes in a child indicate the intake of large amounts of liquids, raw vegetables and fruits by the pregnant mother.

These things we can not change. We can change much, however, by eating a diet of raw vegetables as an adult. This diet will make a difference in weight, complexion and texture of the skin, hair and nails. These traits are determined by our daily choices, with food, one of the most important - and one that we have full control.

Our body's natural ability to renew cells means your body is able to improve its appearance. After all, we were designed to bloom continuously as old cells are replaced by new ones. The raw food diet takes advantage of that rejuvenating ability. Rawsome beauty is not manufactured from the outside; It is cultivated from the inside by nutritionally charged food. The body responds with alacrity to an improved diet. As the body heals and strengthens the internal organs, you will see its beauty from the surface on the side and re-structure their body.

The artistic ability of your body will surprise you. It will seem as if a sculptor is chiseling your face and body. Fat deposits disappear points. Everything bumpy or lumpy smoothed or straightened. All deaf will illuminate. The features will be refined to an area of ​​beautiful face and skin it will be polished until it glows. Revealing and intensifying what is good, the lifestyle of raw foods make the best of whatever goodness you have and will open every avenue. This lifestyle gives you an identity of its own and makes you beautiful.

Only the body sustained on raw food demonstrates natural beauty or, say, "rawsome beauty". It will change the landscape of the body. Fat that accumulates in bags under the eyes and jaw will melt. The appearance of packages of potato face will give way to sleek, smooth contours. Bags of fat and water retention disappear. The surface of the skin will be soft and gentle but firm and elastic. Visible pores decrease. Sallow skin, yellowish become a skin like porcelain. The whites of the eyes, a red once, will become bright with a bluish tinge.

The body becomes transformed and developed from within. While their non-raw-eating discover new defects, stains and spots almost daily basis, you will see your own skin irregularities gradually fade or disappear. Fueling your body raw food will make your eyes, once sunken in bulbous flesh, larger and more rounded look, eliminating the surrounding puffiness and firming the eyelids. Eyebrows that were beginning to form an awning over the eyes will regain their youthful arch. As enhances natural collagen production, will fill in the places where it is needed, as in hollow

Sunday, 12 July 2015

SymptomsAre early menopause who have early symptoms of menopause

Early menopause symptoms - every woman at some point in their thirties or forties will wonder if what she is experiencing is really the first symptoms of menopause. Menopause is defined as the cessation of menses or the end of menstrual cycles for a period of 12 months or more. Menopause is a natural process for a woman, not an illness. It is very common for a womans hormone balance initiate changes in their thirty to forty, resulting in early menopause symptoms. Why? There are several reasons why.

Women often demand much of their bodies. Stress exists in many forms for an active, involved woman today. Women have demanding and stressful careers. Women have family responsibilities. The relationship with the spouse or partner may not be the best. Aging parents can add to the burden. These and other responsibilities add up in the toll they take on the body, health and well-being of a woman.

At the same time, the womans body may not be getting the support it needs to function as designed. Obesity, lack of exercise, poor diet, excessive caffeine and alcohol add to the problem instead of helping the body cope with what is demanded of him. This stressful lifestyle, coinciding with inadequate support given to the body, contributes to experiencing many of the early menopause symptoms.

Early symptoms of menopause for women are:
• irregular menstrual cycles
• Light or heavy menstrual flow
• Lumps or tender breasts
• Fibroid tumors
• Endometriosis
• Mood
• Water retention and bloating
• Sleep problems
• "Fog, fuzzy" thinking and memory lapses
Depression and anxiety •
• Inability to handle stress
• Premenstrual Syndrome
• Hot flashes and night sweats
• Vaginal dryness
• Weight gain

Then there are the hormones, the menstrual cycle and hormone production in the body. In the normal menstrual cycle and a healthy woman, estrogen is the dominant hormone that is produced for the first 10-12 days following the previous menstrual flow. Ovulation then signals the female body to produce progesterone, which happens for the next 12 days or so. If there is no pregnancy, progesterone and estrogen levels decline by about day 28, allowing menstruation to begin.

However, if there is no ovulation, progesterone will not be produced by the body that month. This event, called a managed cycle, is a typical occurrence today for women in their thirties and forties - no ovulation, no progesterone. This leaves the woman with an excess of estrogen and a deficiency of the hormone progesterone.

Many women in their thirties and forties are actually having fewer ovulations which creates hormone imbalance, resulting in many of the early menopause symptoms. And once ovulation ceases at menopause, progesterone levels fall to near zero. While estrogen still produced, again it is leading to hormone imbalance and the resulting first symptoms of menopause. If a hysterectomy has happened, surgical menopause means the woman no longer produces progesterone.

In addition to the problems created by missed ovulations or hysterectomy, excess estrogen is regularly obtained from other sources. Birth control pills, household chemicals and pesticides, certain foods that have been sprayed or due to chemicals and many construction materials used in homes are all sources of estrogen which leads to excess in the body.

Doctors call this condition of hormone imbalance of excess estrogen in the body "estrogen dominance". What are the symptoms of estrogen dominance? The symptoms include low sex drive, bloating and weight gain, headaches before menstruation, mood swings, irregular periods and excessive menstrual bleeding. If the amount of estrogen imbalance in adult women increases beyond what is desirable and healthy, you will definitely experience early menopause symptoms. On the other hand, when hormones are balanced, you feel more alert, energetic and ready to take on the challenges of life.

How can a woman know if they are the first symptoms of menopause is experiencing due to hormonal imbalance? An easy and effective way is to take the online test provided by a health clinic for women leaders of the first symptoms of menopause. It takes a few minutes and the test is free. Learn more about your health, symptoms of perimenopause and menopause, symptoms of what they are telling you and what to do about it based on your answers to important questions. Read more about hormone imbalance, estrogen dominance symptoms, side effects of a hysterectomy and physician recommended natural treatments for eliminating the early menopause symptoms.

It is dangerous for health her bra

Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer in women, and this year alone 192,000 new cases will be diagnosed in the United States finally strikes one in eight American women. Also, breast cancer causes more deaths than any other form of cancer in women under 55 years.

As women, we all fear breast cancer. It is the one disease that sends chills down our spines and puts a knot in my stomach. I will not go through all the reasons why women breast cancer or who is or is not a high risk factor. Let those who are much more qualified than I am, however, one factor that affects the health of breast and adjusting your bra.

Right now, as you read this, 80% of all American women wear the wrong size bra. Most of them are uncomfortable and most of them are too small. Your breast is all about circulation and lymph flow. If you want healthy breasts, follow a program of regular care, including a monthly self exam, routine visits to the doctor, and a mammogram when recommended for your age and family history, most importantly, wear a bra that fits you.

A pinch of tight binding, tight fit and evil is bad for you and can cause great discomfort as well as retarding the circulation in and around his chest. What can you do to change that? Find a bra that fits.This process is very simple but requires the help of an "expert". Growing up in Brooklyn, New York, my mother use to call them "brassier ladies". Most of them were European born and had worked in corseterías in Europe as fitters or seamstresses. This noble group of women worked in neighborhood lingerie shops. You never bought a bra without their knowledge.Training had an eye the minute any woman walked in the door they knew what size had. Do you take a look and say "C 34". It was like radar, they knew only from afar, and when they measured almost always right.

Today is a modern version of these women called lingerie fitters. They are in local shops (if your town is lucky to have one), or to work in department stores in the lingerie department. So the first step to finding the right bra is to go see one of these girls. Their action is taken, first under your ribs and all around his back and then across his chest. One tells what your bra size (34, 36, 38, etc.) and the other tells your cup size (A, B, C, D etc ..) Now that you know this usually recommend a style for your type Body according to their needs. During its session, tell this person all about your basic wardrobe. Are you looking for a bra to wear under a shirt or a point, for sports or the gym, or an aspect of the special occasion? Or do you need to establish a basic bra wardrobe?

Believe me, an hour with one of these experts will not only save money in the long term (avoid full of bras wrong drawer and can not be used), but the daily agonies of wearing bras that hurt will be saved, they are too tight, dig into your shoulders or simply torture!Once you have established your size and needs, follow these simple suggestions for a long and comfortable relationship with their bras.


Lean forward, put the clamp and tighten.Looking fit and ensure that the Cup has everything to her chest. If spilling out, it is too small. If you have "projection" is too small.Then, take your right hand and smooth the skin of the left breast into the cup. The same on the other side.Stand up straight and see how the straps fit and feel. They should be comfortable without feeling like a vice. Adjust as needed until perfect.Now, look forward to a mirror and make sure each nipple in the center of each cup.Adjust the back of the bra so it is seamlessly between the shoulder blades.

Take a deep breath, how you feeling?

A word about brand names. Not every manufacturer cuts the same way, that is true of bras as well as clothes. It may be a mark of 34 in one of size but in another D 34. And there may be some brands that is not used at all.

BRA what to do and do-
Beam measured again every time you lose or gain weight after a pregnancy, or if you are on hormone replacement therapy.

Not always buy a bar without trying and move away from the sale rack.
Unless there is a brand and style there that lead, pulling one of the grill because it is marked is no bargain. Most likely you will have a long and happy life in your lingerie drawer.

Buy low wire style if you are full chest and need stronger support.

Buy a minimizer if you want to have a big chest appear smaller.

Try one of the new soft cup bras that offer construction for a smaller chest. (Soft Cup means under the wire).Discard all bras that hurt or uncomfortable, no matter how much you paid for them.

Saturday, 11 July 2015

Post Natal Massage Therapy

But one thing sure. After the delivery process, many are just plain tired. In addition, having to breastfeed and nurse a newborn several times one night can be exhausting.

The new mum today does not have much time to rest and relax during their confinement at home. She has to go back to work very quickly and that means that, faced with the pressure to lose weight so she can fit your office wear.

Postpartum massage can be the solution to their needs. Here are top 6 benefits of massage therapy after childbirth:
1. Relaxation
2. Stress Relief
3. relieves pain in shoulders or neck
4. accelerate the reduction of fluid retention.
5. helping to reduce uterus original size
6. help reduce cellulite and tone the body.

In many parts of Asia, many women before delivery would in fact pre-commission sessions with an Indonesian massage therapist for massage after delivery. Is a traditional treatment that has been passed down several generations and is still practiced today. This treatment involves the use of a massage oil applied to the stomach and belly wrap (bengkung), essentially a cotton cloth of several meters. The bengkung is used to wrap the body in order to push the uterus, water retention, wind, spasm, shrinks the stomach and helps to reduce weight. Postpartum massage is usually done in the privacy of one's home.

For a mother who delivered her baby naturally, it is generally very safe to go to a massage after delivery. For those cesarean, be sure to consult your doctor or therapist first professional massage. More of fact, I recommend you to wait a few weeks prior to a massage after delivery.

Post-natal massage provides a feeling of lasting comfort for the new mother. The purpose of this massage is to give nurturing and emotional and relieve muscle tension and delivery support. Some post natal massage therapies also come with a detoxification ritual that undoes the midriff of post birth bagginess.

In some cases, postpartum massage can also cause a very toned silhouette, compared to just one before pregnancy!

Getting Pregnant

Why is it so difficult?
Well, logistically, the timing is very important.
A healthy woman ovulates only once every cycle normally throw an egg to be fertilized for a period of 6-12 hours in order to get pregnant.
This is the main factor which stops the majority of healthy couples from becoming pregnant.

The male sperm can survive inside the woman for 2 to 3 days and the ideal situation for fertilization sperm recently deposited inside the woman and wait for the egg seems - most fertilization actually occurs at the mouth of the fallopian tubes.

The quality of male sperm can vary greatly. Heat around the testicles, wearing tight underwear and excessive ejaculation is factors that can greatly decrease the amount of active fertile sperm reducing the possibility of fertilization.

So if a couple had sex twice a day, every day throughout the month would not necessarily be as effective as having sex only once at the right time ... just hours before ovulation occurs.

An effective method used by many couples (which will be discussed in a future article) is the graphics or BBT (basal body temperature) method. Basically it comes to charting the daily vaginal temperature. Just when ovulation is no significant increase in temperature. This, combined with other symptoms such as density of vaginal mucus and possible abdominal sensations will show when ovulation is occurring. After a few months of using this very precise method, the couple can predict with high certainty exactly when ovulation occurs and can have sex a few hours before it is due to occur to ensure fertilization.

Important health issues that prevent fertilization include smoking and drinking alcohol in women and men. Eating healthy without ... a woman should make sure you have a good source of vitamin B12 (found in meat, fish, eggs and milk) also taking folic acid can greatly help matters.
Doping (including some prescription drugs) is also very harmful for the conception process (and the fetus if she continued in pregnancy). Smokers of cannabis / marijuana reduces the amount of active sperm by man for more than 50% and the effects of the latter for more than 6 months produced.

All these points show how difficult it can be to get pregnant and can begin to see the creation of another human life really is a miracle when you see how they really improbable the chances of fertilization.

Friday, 10 July 2015

Maternity clothing trends

For most women, the most stylish maternity clothes solution is to wear stretch classic jeans and a white oxford shirt man. However, the day comes when the inevitable face: a visit to a maternity clothes store, either for a suit special occasion, or see the plus size maternity clothes section in search of a solution to their dilemmas most flattering style. So what exactly should you look for in a mother expecting maternity wear, regular or plus size?

For the first few months most women can get along with the wardrobe they already have. Slightly bigger breasts and waist make it more attractive, not bigger. But when regular clothes do not work and, most women prefer to forget fashion trends and cocoon themselves amorphous dresses or high-waist pants with voluptuous sweaters.

First, do not try to hide their condition. It's chic to be pregnant today, and young Hollywood stars happily pregnant whenever they want - and remain fashionable and glowing till the delivery. Today it is much more flattering to show their belly hide under layers of clothing. The most current maternity outfits are sleek numbers that let your curvy silhouette show.

Happy Hippie. You will be perfectly stylish in free-flowing ethnic caftans, skirts and yoke dresses that accommodate a growing belly. Flowing robes and jackets with motifs look equally great with oversize cardigans, perhaps with a wide belt under the belly, or on their own, with a small layer of warmth. This trend also embraces the wide empire waist, and doll dresses that can be worn over the maternity pants and jeans. Best designers working in this style: Alberta Ferretti, Anna Sui.

Bold accessories. Keep the visual information at the top. A scarf, a coat, a bolero jacket in contrasting colors, virtually anything that accentuates the shoulders and bust line are very flattering. Layers ponchos and shawls complete the look, if you go for a loose bohemian style. Halter necklines are also flattering, because in most women their neck and arms look the same even if the rest of the body grows rapidly.

Skip Underwires.
When the bust is growing a thick shelf bra it is healthier than a bra with metal wires underneath. The sports bra will also do the trick. It is allowing more space and support as you grow.

Use Jeans. Today denim designers offer maternity day versions of their most popular models. Citizens of humanity, seven for mankind and Earl Jeans have maternity lines, as well as juicy, in a variety of denim washes. Wear your maternity jeans low-slung, embroidered and slimming with contrasting washes.

Multifunctional costumes. With modern maternity suits you can easily switch from day to night, as it does double duty. You can dress casual with a tee for a day or add a silk blouse or tunic for the night. The most charming maternity suits are made of wool and cotton, chiffon and charmeuse blouses. Pinstripes and printed menswear also look charming on pregnant women. Choose the size wisely: If you can stick two fingers between the waistline and the fabric of your new skirt or pants, it is too large and will remain so, even when you grow.

Not too much bare skin. Revealing the growing belly may do the trick for Britney Spears, but not many women can do that with flare. Pregnancy is the beautiful period of life, but with very little clothes only look tacky.

Hair loss solution for women LossFinding Bareback

As a woman, if you face thinning and hair loss, you are probably pretty stressed by it. However, you will not be worrying and causing more hair drop once you understand a few facts about hair loss in women.You see, in many cases, hair loss in women is only a temporary occurrence and therefore, it is relatively easy to find a solution for hair loss.

Androgenetic alopecia is the hereditary form of baldness that affects 50 percent of men and some women after age 40. Hair loss in women typically begins after menopause, but may begin earlier. The main reason for this is that estrogen levels decline. Hormonal changes cause hair loss.

It is comforting to note that in addition to androgenetic alopecia, the most common cause of hair loss in women is a result of metabolic and hormonal changes. Thus, hair loss is usually temporary. Also, unlike men, women rarely become totally bald. However, what women generally experience is the thinning of your hair.

For example, in the case of pregnancy, hair loss is temporary and should stop approximately 6 months after birth. When a woman is pregnant, a lot of estrogen that causes the hair follicles enter the growth phase occurs. Once the baby is born, the woman's hormonal balance is restored. The reverse now happens with the hair follicles in a hair loss phase.While nothing much can be done to prevent hair loss during this period, applying hair tonic to accelerate growth can be a useful solution.

Crash diets leads to the rapid loss of weight in a short period of time requested excessive hair loss.

Physical and emotional stress can cause hair loss, but this usually only occurs after a long period of time and in extreme cases. Once stress levels are restored to normal levels, you should stop hair loss. Therefore, a solution good hair loss is finding ways to reduce stress!

Certain medications can also cause hair shedding. The most common medical treatment that causes hair loss is chemotherapy. The drug medication attacks the hair cells, causing hair loss on the scalp. Some prescription drugs (for hormone deficiency thyroid, diabetes and lupus) and dieting supplements are also causes of hair loss. Once these drug medications are stopped, the hair loss problem should disappear.

Other voltages hair may include frequent dyeing and chemicals eg. perming solutions applied to the hair. Generally, healthy hair can undergo these treatments without showing signs of stress, if not done too often. But if the hair is allowed an opportunity to recover from the constant application of hair chemicals, then it becomes brittle and starts to break. Treatment products hair loss to help strengthen the follicles should help when applied to the scalp.

Once you understand what is happening to your hair, then look for the solution of the proper hair loss. In most cases, if the cause is temporary, then you can be sure that your problem will happen with the right remedy actions. However, for more serious cases, seek professional help from a licensed dermatologist for a complete diagnosis and treatment plan.

Thursday, 9 July 2015

How to give the perfect massage

Let's face it, sometimes we could all use a good back rub. Massage has been shown to reduce stress, improve sleep, relieve certain types of muscle pain, improve posture and relieve pain (especially sports and other related activities). A massage also improves circulation and flexibility. Increased blood circulation helps eliminate toxins, feel great, and promote healthy bodily functions. Massage therapy has also been known to provide a more comfortable pregnancy. A great gift for mom.

Here are some massaging tips that hit the spot.
* Start with the shoulders and work your way down. The trick is to knead and roll rather than pinch or little movement. Be careful not to rub directly on the spine, because the skin is thinner.

* Use rhythmic movements and try to keep them consistent. It is best not to rub longer in one place than in another unless asked.

When massaging the neck, place your thumbs on the sides of the neck, curving your fingers over the top of the shoulders. This area is more sensitive for some than others. It is best to ask the person.

* Using the palm of your hand or a flattened fist, apply pressure gently on the back, working his way up the back of the neck. Upon reaching the upper body, back movement up and down in a big move slightly.

* Using lotion can help relieve dry or irritated skin as well as leave the person feeling totally relaxed.

Infertility and pregnancy

When a couple is unable to conceive a child, a problem of the couple and not "fault" of either. Women's issues are the most common reasons, but some studies suggest that up to 40% of infertility is caused by one or more reasons originating with the male partner.

For men, the problem can only be a source of sperm. However, it may involve a variety of problems of low sperm count, poor motility or shape / abnormal sperm structure. In many cases the cause sperm problems are idiopathic, with no known reason. Some problems may result from a disease of the past, current drug therapy, personal habits such as drinking and smoking, or varicocele veins. Recommendations for improving things like sperm count is looser clothing around the genitals, eliminating hot baths or hot tubs, giving alcohol and smoking, and stress reduction.

For women, the difficulties are more varied and cover a range of functions and issues within her reproductive system. She may have ovulation problems that are due to problems with the thyroid gland, hormonal imbalance and physical or emotional stress. The cervix may also be a cause for concern, either through narrowing, mucous acid or a literal "sperm allergy". Your uterus can hold cysts, fibroids and polyps, or she may have endometriosis, a condition where tissue inside the uterus, has joined somewhere in the abdomen, possibly blocking or restricting normal function of the fallopian tubes and ovaries.

Even when a couple has taken all the recommended tests, 10% remain infertile, for no known reason. For them, hormonal fertility treatment or in vitro fertilization, may be viable options for having a family.

Wednesday, 8 July 2015

Manage stress without the use of drugs

In the fast-paced environment of today, many people are under stress. Women are more susceptible to the stresses of everyday life. Some are single mothers who work full time jobs and then return home and care for her baby. They are working, underpaid and under extreme stress.

Many women go to their family doctors complaining of headaches, sleeplessness and mood swings. The doctor explains quietly that have problems of stress and take a few days and then prescribe medication to relieve the symptoms.

While drugs may work in the short term and not treat the root problems. When you stop taking the drug, the voltage will still be present. And who has time to put your feet up and relax, especially if you have a child causing chaos in the home?

What are the alternatives?
Well there are many and we will explore some of them in this article, but first you have to do is find out the cause of your stress. Stress can be caused by many things. What is stressful for one person may be cheerful for the next. For example, public speaking can cause some people a lot of anxiety, but for some it is a joy.

Once you have found the causes of your stress try to think of ways to relieve it. Here are some tips and tricks for managing stress levels without the use of the most useful drugs.

Take a deep breath: the reason why stress causes headaches in many cases is because when a person is under significant stress tend to breathe shallowly or hold your breath without noticing. Muscles for lack of oxygen and cramping up in places such as the neck and abdomen and get a headache. Sometimes it just makes you feel tense.

If you feel a headache, or you feel tense, stop and check your breathing. Take a few minutes to relax and take deep breaths through the nose and mouth.

Talk to people: being alone is a terrible thing, and this can cause stress for yourself. Try joining a club or something like it will connect with other people. Sometimes just talking and having fun can do wonders for your stress problems.

Regular exercise: It has been scientifically proven that exercise helps relieve stress. Try joining a gym, or just go for a walk every night. You will increase your energy level, making it easier to deal with the stress of everyday life.

Manage time: Nothing causes stress like being late for an appointment. Avoid this unnecessary stress by planning your day. Make sure you have enough time to get to all appointments. Maybe invest in a day planner.

Body Break: Body and mind are one. Ensure adequate nutritious foods to eat and sleep well at night. Avoid caffeine and excessive sugar. These foods will give you a temporary halt, but will make you crash later. A well maintained body better be able to deal with stress.

Avoid using illegal drugs: many people turn to alcohol and drugs to relieve stress. Although it may seem that these things are helping with stress they are really hurting on you. Not only are they destroying your body, but they are only a temporary solution. When you wake up in the morning, the problem they were trying to escape will still be there.

Change your environment: Make sure you are as comfortable as possible. If your chair at work is causing your back hurts, change it. If your bed is causing backache and lack of sleep, change it. Why put your mind and body under stress that can easily be avoided.

Go to your happy place: Try daydreaming for a minute if you feel stressed. Imagine a sunny beach or a quiet cottage. Imagine the flavors and sounds. A few minutes of imaginary vacation can do wonders for your mental vision and relieve stress.

These are just a few techniques that will help you deal with your stress levels. Try to focus on the positive aspects of your life and not the negative. Life without stress would be boring, but too much of anything can kill you.

Pregnant women not only stay home; Go shopping

Most women like shopping. However, sometimes pregnant women reluctant to go because they are afraid might hurt them. That is not true! Go and have fun. You do not have to spend any money; just go out and shop windows. Try on shoes; Check out the new fall purses or sample a new cookie at the corner stand. Shopping is very therapeutic for women, and that gives you a chance to clear your mind.

If you are feeling ambitious, however, or can not justify taking an afternoon to shop, take a task, such as Children's room decide on colors or selecting a crib. Then, you will feel like you are accomplishing something as you go.

Do not get stressed, however, if you do not find what you want immediately. Remember, just looking now. There is no hurry to immediately find and buy everything, especially since friends and family want to help bring gifts to the baby shower.

If you have some dress shop, handbags and makeup, however, that's fine too. Sometimes it is good to step away from the world "mama" and remember that you are also a woman who has her own needs and wants. Do not feel guilty if you need some "me" time or if you need a little something to cheer his mood. A new maternity outfit or a sweet-scented lotion may be all you need for feeling stressed and revitalized. You might also feel good to try new perfumes and seeing those strappy sandals look like (even if you know it would kill your feet!).

Remember that while you are out shopping, you have to be relaxing. Enjoy an ice cream or watch a new movie if the center has a theater. Any of these activities will help you let go of the stress and renew your spirit. Then you will be fully prepared to be a mother again!

Tuesday, 7 July 2015

What would I do without my Doula

By the time my husband and I finally became pregnant the first time she had done a lot of reading about birth options and we had already decided that a midwife instead of a doctor. We believe that pregnancy is a healthy state, and unless something came up, a midwife was the best way forward for us. Besides, where we live, a midwife can deliver babies in hospitals, so I felt that was the safest way to go. (Although, now, I feel I could have had my children at home ... but that's another article!).

When I was a few weeks pregnant I came across an article on doulas, but had never heard of a doula so I was not sure what to do. A doula is a woman who supports women through childbirth. "Doula" is an ancient Greek word meaning "servant to women". A doula provides continuous emotional support, aides in her physical comfort, and encourages women working women. She also provides praise, reassurance and explain whatIt is happening during childbirth. While some husbands and partners may feel it is their job to offer support to women workers and therefore initially feel that would not want a doula, after birth are very pleased and relieved they had one. A doula can help husbands and partners can help by proposing ways of working women, and doulas actually assist the husband to feel is contributing.

Studies have shown that women supported by a doula during labor:
50% reduction in the rate of caesarean sections
Work less than 25%
60% reduction in epidural requests
30% reduction in the use of analgesia
40% reduction in forceps delivery
Maternity mother how a doula can help you have a shorter, easier and healthier birth Marshall H. Klaus (Perseus Press, 1993)

When I was halfway through my pregnancy, we decided to interview some doulas and see if it would be right for us. We met with three doulas. The first one was Jan, who eventually chose. We liked it immediately and wanted to hire her on the spot, but my husband insisted that we meet the other doulas too because we might find someone we like even more. (How could that be possible ?, I wondered.) Well, that was wonderful too the other two doulas, but our instincts told us to go with Jan. So we hired.

We had to give a deposit of $ 100 to confirm our commitment and sign such an agreement. How this fabulous woman? She is very high and has a large presence. She is quiet, knowledgeable and thoughtful; she does not speak much, but when she does is carefully thought out. In other words, she is not "chatty" but not shy. She has an engaging smile, she is discrete, and she is strong. I felt that she could sweep me into his arms and take care!

Jan came over several weeks before my due date to do some prenatal one-on-one with James and me. It is a lactation consultant as well so that helped answer my questions about breastfeeding in addition to my questions on what to expect during labor.

I went into labor three days before my due date, August 13, 2001. It was midnight and I just got into bed when I heard (or heard?) A loud POP! And then another. And warm liquid trickling down my legs. He had broken my water. Yay! Finally this happened.

The contractions started immediately and James rubbed my thigh while I rested in bed. Contractions together more and more and James called Jan at about 5:00 when they were separated about 5 minutes. They got really intense after that and when Jan came, he was vomiting in a bucket on my bed.

Jan threw the ball birth took, flew across the bed, grabbed my hand, looked me straight in the eye with her face close to mine and said, "I want to breathe like this." In an instant, she had calmed down and breathing effectively. She was amazing. I went from being in a total panic to feel that everything would be fine.

When my midwife arrived at 7:00 am, she told me she was about 3 centimeters dilated. I was so disappointed! But Jan my cheerleader, telling me he was working so hard and good management, and that my body was only going to give me what I could handle. She helped James help me by suggesting things he could do for me, and I felt well taken care of by Jan.

It was only about an hour later that Jan noticed my breathing had changed and she called the midwife who was in another room doing paperwork. Our midwife did not think I could have progressed quickly but Jan stood his ground and said, ". It really looks like she is trying to push" So the midwife me again (doulas do not perform medical tasks) checked and I was about 7 cm dilated! It goes fast. Suddenly everyone had sprung into action and started collecting all the bags and things we needed for the hospital. If it was not for Jan, I really think I would have done on time. [Note: in British Columbia, Canada, midwives one

Hospitals around the country are now banning vaginal birth after cesarean

Hospitals around the country are now banning vaginal birth after cesarean, insistent women undergo repeat cesarean. Hospitals say they can not comply with the guidelines issued in 1999 by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. The guidelines call for a doctor to be available "immediately" through active labor when a woman is attempting a vaginal birth after cesarean, in order to perform an emergency cesarean section if necessary. Previous guidelines had called for a doctor to be "readily" available. In order for a hospital to meet the new standards, all equipment operation, an anesthesiologist and an obstetrician would have to be at the hospital all day. Only major medical centers with doctors at home, will be able to continue to offer vaginal birth after cesarean. Smaller hospitals now have to abandon the practice.

Why the controversy? Women attempting vaginal birth after cesarean are at greater risk of uterine rupture than previously thought. Uterine rupture can be fatal to both mother and baby. Some patients with uterine rupture may require a hysterectomy and some babies may die. The controversy arises with the risks associated with vaginal birth after cesarean is that many women are willing to take the risk, but their freedom of choice over who controls childbirth is still clear by doctors and hospitals. Women can not choose their mode of delivery. Doctors say their position is based on concern for patient safety.

Doctors now have a new concern that women trying to avoid repeat C-section can give birth at home or in birthing centers that are not equipped to perform emergency cesarean surgeries if necessary. Also of concern is the possibility that working patients can wait to the last minute to go to the hospital to avoid repeat cesarean section.

The controversy surrounding the vaginal birth after cesarean is not only a health problem, it is becoming subject of civil rights of women. A woman should have the right to choose their mode of delivery. Currently the right to participate in your birth plan in a woman is being crushed under the weight of new laws and strict limitations medical care that should be a concern for all women throughout the country.

Monday, 6 July 2015

Survival tips morning sickness

I do not know about you, but as someone who suffered with prolonged, severe morning sickness (we affectionately call morning sickness noon and night) when I hear someone say this, I just want to slug them!If you're suffering with nausea and vomiting of pregnancy, you are not alone. Most women experience it to some degree during their first trimester. If you're one of the unfortunate few whose symptoms last longer than the typical 6-12 weeks, empathy. I had the same experience with all 4 of my pregnancies. I learned some things though, and hope you can get some relief with these tips.

1) blood sugar regulated is priority.
One theory about why morning sickness is worse in the morning (and some women only occurs then) is because when you wake up from their sleep, have low blood sugar. For a pregnant woman, going 8 hours without food is a bad idea.You may find it helpful to eat a high protein snack before bed and even eat a bite each time you get up at night to use the bathroom. (Which in principle can be quite frequent!)Personally, I found that what I did first thing in the morning was of paramount importance. I had to eat a few bites of food * while still lying down *. So put some food on a plate beside my bed or ask my husband bring me a snack first thing in the morning.Do not jump out of bed. Eat your snack slowly and lie still for a few minutes later. Then slowly get up immediately go to the kitchen and eat another bite. Again, emphasize protein.

2) Avoid foods that cause changes in the blood sugar quickly.
Fruit juice, sugary snacks, processed cereal (the kind that comes in a box), anything made with white flour, etc .... These types of foods cause your blood sugar to rise quickly then come crashing, causing nausea and vomiting . Eat protein foods and whole foods.Meat, cheese, yogurt (watch here try yogurt with frozen berries mixed in one. Most yogurt has too much sugar in it), eggs, nuts, butter, vegetables and whole grains should be your staples.Even if eating does not appeal to you, coaxing to eat some protein food every 2 hours will help prevent vomiting. Do not leave home without carrying a snack with you.

3) if the water becomes more sick, try these alternatives.

It is very important to stay hydrated. You will need extra fluids to support the pregnancy, but many women find that drinking water makes them more nauseated. Some things to tryFruit smoothies, ice and yogurt or kefir. The spicy flavor of these two dairy products really hit the spot for me. Also they sneak in some extra protein.Served very cold water with a squeeze of lemon or lime.Carbonated water with a small amount of fruit juice for flavor.Weak iced or hot tea made with lemon. The small bit of caffeine will not harm your baby. Something about the bitter tannins in tea may help ease nausea.

Citrus and melons.

4) Avoid nausea triggers as possible.
The nose is the hyperdrive during early pregnancy!It smells stinky poopy diapers, kitchen trash, even morning breath may be impossible to totally avoid, but try your best to avoid smelly situations.Have someone else take out the trash. Husband have your child change when he marries. At least he can do!

And do not be shy about telling someone who has bad breath, noxious perfume or cigarette smells on them which is in a delicate condition and need fresh air. During my pregnancy, my husband had to switch to unscented deodorant and soap, otherwise I could not hug him!If cooking smells make you ill, take a break from their specialties usually garlic and onion. Do not be a martyr. Hubby will understand that they can not make his favorite sausage and peppers for a while.Prepare meals that will not stink up the kitchen. Green main dish salads with cold, cut chicken, meat or boiled eggs. Sandwiches are good too.

5) try aromatherapy
Put a couple of drops of essential oil of lavender, mint or lemon (these oils are generally considered safe to use during pregnancy) on cotton balls and keep these in various locations ... the kitchen, bathroom, your purse and in the car. Take a whiff when you feel sick. Put a few drops on your pillow.

6) Take it easy - but do not forget the exercise
I know, I know ... exercise is the last thing you want to do when you can hardly get your face in the toilet! But if forced to take up to ten minute walk outside every day, it will help.But take it easy, avoid stress as much as possible and get as much rest as you can. You're doing the very important job of growing a baby. Explain to your other children why you feel bad and do not last forever. Asking favors and ask friends to come and play with her 2 year old for an hour so you can sleep, or ask them to cook extra a that make dinner tonight and bring you a plate.

Exercise After Pregnancy

Generally most women can begin a formal exercise program within 6 weeks of delivery, though this could be a bit longer for some women, including those recovering from a C-section. Most women recovering from a cesarean will be able to exercise after the incision has healed and your doctor has cleared them for exercise.

How soon begin an exercise program will depend in part on how you feel. If you had an easy delivery with few interventions and without tearing and exercised regularly before birth, you may feel some light exercise within 2 weeks of giving birth.

If this is the case, your doctor will probably be allowed to participate in some light activities such as walking. Strenuous activity should generally be avoided however until several weeks after birth.

However, for some women even light exercise in the weeks after delivery is not possible. If you had an episiotomy or tore severely while delivering for example, your body may not physically be ready for a formal exercise program for at least 4-6 weeks after birth (note ... this is also how long most physicians recommend that women abstain from intercourse!).

How soon begin exercising thus it depends on your body and your unique situation. Make sure you check with your doctor before embarking on a new exercise program regardless of your activity level before and during pregnancy.

Say again because it is important ... YOU MUST CHECK WITH YOUR DOCTOR IF want to embark on an exercise program. Your body goes through a lot of physical trauma when giving birth. Starting an exercise program too soon will delay your recovery and could potentially injure your body permanently. It may also take more than six weeks to heal fully if you start exercising too soon.

Now, if you feel better and capable of working out before reaching the six-week mark, do not hesitate to contact your health care provider. Most will encourage light exercise such as walking, and some may encourage other types of activity particularly if you were active before you became pregnant.

Every individual is unique and different, thus their ability to return to a regular exercise routine will vary after delivery. It is important to listen to your body.

Sunday, 5 July 2015

Useful Tips for Sleep and Pregnancy

It is not uncommon to contend with sleep restlessness during pregnancy. There could be many reasons for these sleep distur-bances. Along with the increased anticipation for your newborn baby, physical and hormonal changes that could be contribut-ing to your insomnia may occur. As you progress in your pregnancy, comfortable sleep positions may become more difficult. You can also find that you need to empty the bladder more frequently.

However, it is encouraged. Help has arrived! Read these tips for better sleep during pregnancy and for the important rest your body needs at this time in your life.

1. Preparedness mind set the right mood by using soft lighting, a drink without caffeine, hot bath or good book. Experiment to see what helps you relax.

2. Massage A massage for your partner or friend is a good way to relax and prepare for sleep. If you have older kids, maybe you can get into the fun of a massage.

3. Surround Water - Dr. Michael Foley, MD - Medical Director of Phoenix Perinatal Associates, refers to this as immersion therapy subtotal. Here it is what Dr. Foley has to say; "It is immersed in water up to his neck and just sitting there or performing exercise provides many physiologic advantages to a pregnant mom. The water acts to push fluid under the skin into the intravascular space, reducing swelling and edema. This is a perfect way to help reduce swollen feet and legs that often accompany late pregnancy. The aches and pains of the musculoskeletal system in late pregnancy often contribute to poor sleep. "

4. nap during the day - earn some extra rest and taking a nap. -5. Reduce anxiety - stress can be one of the biggest issues for obtaining a good night's sleep. If you have problems in your life that are causing worry, find a friend or a professional help. Less stress will certainly bring more comfortable nights sleep.

6. Use air soft comfort AIDS has a patented maternity air bed able to port is for moms who are losing sleep or can not get enough rest only. This unique portable air bed allows pregnant women sleep on their stomach or side. It has an adjustable middle pillow section if you are a stomach sleeper. If you have hip or lower back pain, you can sleep in a semi sitting posi-tion with or without an extra pillow between your legs or below the knee. There are also special body pillows pregnancy and maternity belts on the market that can try to help your body for comfort.

7. seek help-visit your doctor for help if they continued sleep problems occur. It is especially important during this time that much sleep or rest as possible.

8. exercise always get your doctor's approval first, but exercise will certainly help to improve circulation. This also helps reduce night leg cramps and improves sleep. Exercise done early in the day is best for you not kept awake at night. Take a look and start your local yoga studios. Many now offer classes for pre-natal yoga.

Vacation is a way to escape stress during pregnancy

What should you do to have a happy pregnancy? Many things could be done, but more pregnant rarely do is having a vacation. Get a life and try to relax a little. Or an extended weekend just to refresh and recharge your batteries.

Downtime is very important, and in a world where almost all are linked to cell phones and lap tops, even outside the office, it is well away from it all from time to time. Having time to walk along the beach or play golf or even to stay inside and read a great book without interruptions can help us recharge our batteries.

When the baby comes, your number one job is being a mom. Therefore, you will not have much time for you, at least not in the beginning when the baby depends on you for everything. Seize those moments spare parts valued free time now.

When you update, you are more effective and productive anyway. You will also be easier to get along with, and it will be easier for you to deal with others (even the difficult ones!).

There are just lazy to take time off. Enjoy spending time with your spouse, too, in the nine months since the second baby comes, it will become the number one priority for both. Still, do not let your relationship with your spouse become a low priority. Otherwise, you will see five or ten years from now and realize you no longer know the man who fathered her baby.

Keep the romance. Go on dates regularly, standing, still it is on Tuesday nights. Leave the baby with a sitter and enjoy some adult time away from Blue's Clues and Dora the Explorer. It is important to note that as much as you are a mother, you are also a woman. And you need to build a life for yourself so that when baby grows, still has important things and people around you.