Friday 17 July 2015

History of the Mediterranean diet

In recent years a growing number of men and women in different countries has become increasingly concerned about their health. Due to the fact that many people have become more health-conscious in general, these men and women have paid more attention to what they eat regularly. In short, these men and women take dietary decisions designed to improve your overall health and wellness.

As people have become more conscious about their health and diet, a considerable number of these same men and women has become interested in the regime of the Mediterranean diet. If you are, in fact, a person who appreciates the relationship between diet and health, which have a definite interest in the history of the Mediterranean diet regimen.

Before you can properly understand what the Mediterranean diet is, you need to appreciate that it is more a concept than a specific routine meals. Actually, there is no such thing as a Mediterranean diet common to all countries of the Mediterranean region of the world. By contrast, the "Mediterranean diet" consists of foods that people living in different countries in the region consume in common.

The origins of the Mediterranean diet

The concept of the Mediterranean diet comes from eating habits and patterns of the people who populate the countries of Italy, Greece, Spain, France, Tunisia, Lebanon and Morocco. As a result, the Mediterranean diet includes a wide variety of delicious foods. In fact, if a person chooses to adopt the concept of Mediterranean dining scheme, or if a person chooses to follow a Mediterranean diet regimen, he or she will have the ability to enjoy a remarkable variety of scrumptious dishes.

The diet of the people who have populated the regions around the Mediterranean Sea have really changed almost completely for over 1000 years. The history of the region is replete with examples of men and women who live in a similar situation who consumed alternate diets. Through the centuries, the people of the Mediterranean Sea has enjoyed longer than people in other parts of the world in the same historical epoch lives.

At the heart of the Mediterranean diet are foods and drinks that are indigenous to the continental geographical mass surrounding the Mediterranean Sea. In short, the development of the Mediterranean diet and dining pattern initially developed by providence. The people of the region natural and understandable ate food and drank those beverages that were readily available around their homes.

The historical elements of Mediterranean diet plan

As the diet of the peoples of the region mentioned above sea for centuries, the Mediterranean has remained essentially unchanged. The Mediterranean diet is heavy consumption of a variety of healthy foods such as:

Fresh fruit

Fresh vegetables

Low fat nuts

Whole grains

Monounsaturated fat

In a similar vein, the Mediterranean diet used by people generation after generation excludes or limits certain foods that have been deemed harmful in recent scientific studies. These less desirable foods include:

Saturated fats

Red and fatty meat

Dairy Rich

Fatty fish
The historical effects of the Mediterranean diet plan

As referred to earlier in this article on the history of the Mediterranean diet regime, the people who inhabit the region have a demonstrably lower rate of heart disease and related diseases that often have a direct connection from the diet. With the advent of which have correlated the incidence of health problems with poor diet, the positive effects of the Mediterranean diet scientific studies have become self-evident.

Research during the past two decades has conclusively shown that men and women who populate the Mediterranean region are afflicted with heart disease and similar ailments far less often than people in other regions of the world. The experts who conducted these studies have concluded that there is a strong likelihood that the scheme diet that is common in the Mediterranean region is responsible for maintaining the health of people living in that part of the world over the last 1000 years.


 The expansive use of historical Mediterranean diet regimen
During the last twenty years, a significant number of people in different countries of the world has turned its attention towards finding healthy diet regimens that are low in saturated fat and include generous servings of fruits and vegetables. Therefore, the Mediterranean diet has caught the eye of many people who want to include healthy eating in their overall course of prudent living. In summary, the Mediterranean diet includes foods and beverages, w

Basics of black hair

The typical hair and hair follicles of people of African descent are tightly curled, thus producing hair spirals. Black hair also typically has a higher than Caucasian hair and retains less water diameter, thus its relative "perversion". The many styling methods used in disturbing black hair with hair loss. Black hair is very strong, fortunately terms of black hair styles cause a lot of stress on the hair and scalp.

For example, using a hair pick to pick up a thick hair style is a very damaging process due to the constant tensile stress causing the hair shaft and follicle. In fact, combing black hair in general can create high voltage black hair and break, which perpetuates dryness. Conrowing and braiding are methods of hairdressing to straighten the hair, and this can cause a lot of stress on the hair resulting in hair loss on the scalp. Resulting in braided hair pulled tight can cause traumatic alopecia, a hair loss that is caused by trauma to the hair and scalp. Traumatic alopecia is usually reversible with proper hair care.

Hot combs and relaxers used to straighten hair can cause a lot of heat and damages the hair and scalp, which can also cause traumatic alopecia, and over time can cause permanent hair loss. This is especially true when the heat or chemically processed hair is pulled tight by rollers or a hot iron.

Hot oil conditioners are excellent for black hair, as hot oil treatments contain proteins and polymers vital to repairing the hair cuticles. Hot oil treatments include heating oil and put it in the hair and scalp, then cover the hair with a plastic cap to allow the oil to penetrate. Follow the recommendations on the treatment used during the time you should leave the treatment on the hair. This process can heal breakages and shinier stronger hair will be the result.

Consider that hair relaxers used in the black hair contain lye or similar chemicals that break down the hair fiber. Left beyond the recommended time, these chemicals eat right through the hair and cause it to fall out in clumps. That is why these same products are used in products like Drano ® to clean clogged drains which often are clogged by hair. Lye relaxers are not very popular today, mainly because it leads people to believe that the product is not caustic.

This is far from the truth. The combination of calcium hydroxide and guanidine carbonate are combined to form guanidine hydroxide, which could easily clean a sink. Repeated use of these products may cause some degree of hair loss, and if scarring occurs while using these chemicals, hair loss may be permanent in that area of ​​the scalp. Does one must ask is advisable to place such caustic chemicals in the hair on a regular basis for the sake of desired appearance? The question must be answered by each individual, however, they must know the facts.

There is little that can be done to alleviate this syndrome without changing the typical hairstyles of African Americans. There is an impasse on relaxing black hair, black hair combed as natural cause so much stress and breakage of hair, while chemicals cause so much damage to the hair and scalp and leather. There is a hair relaxing products on the market that use chemicals and are somewhat less harsh than sodium hydroxide (lye) or its equivalent in relaxing popular "no-lye": calcium hydroxide (lime) mixed with guanidine carbonate. One such product is called Natural-Soft ® and clay Sahara ® by Baka ProductsTM leading the market since 1990.

 This product is completely natural and it does not contain many harsh chemicals business and really relaxing contains finely ground plant called Daphne gnidium Africa and clay is calculated to be relatively safe. Of course this product does not straighten hair in most cases the same way as commercial relaxers, however tend to do black hair more manageable. However no other product on the market that is 92-96% natural Naturalaxer called ™ Kit in a jar that does not require the applicant to comb the hair during application, resulting in less damage.

Of course the bottom line is once again, if you can leave your hair in its natural state then less stress and damage to the hair are experienced and thus prevent at least one cause of hair loss. There is a growing segment of the black population that is comfortable to wear their hair in natural styles. One such style is dreadlocks. There are many rumors and myths concerning dreadlocks, as there is little proper information available concerning this style, and as with anything that is misunderstood many myths arise around it. Dreadlocks can and must be washed; otherwise they stink like any other dirty hair. It is the best process to use to wash dreadlocks

Thursday 16 July 2015

How to plan a wedding in 10 days and maintain a modest budget

1. borrow her wedding dress
Is it the same dress size as another female relative or friend? Ask if you can use your wedding dress on your wedding! Not only it looks fabulous, but you will have your "something borrowed" tradition. Also, if you borrow the dress of a member of the family, who will make the dress more special. Buy your garter belt and shoes in a wedding shop or even a handicrafts shop. You will have your "something new" and if you get a link with a blue bow, is the "something blue". As for "something old", she borrows an article by a family member that has sentimental value. Take good care of it and give it back after the wedding!

2. Make invitations
Obviously you do not have time to order invitations, so make them yourself! You can purchase wedding invitation paper supply store in your local office, most of them come with a template that can be loaded onto your hard drive. Then design the invitation on your computer using the actual facsimile of the invitation on the screen. The package even includes some regular paper to test their designs before printing. Tag purchase email you can print from your computer as well. This will save much time and probably prevent him developing carpal tunnel syndrome in between!

3. talk to someone in the wedding venue
You want to have the wedding ceremony - a church, temple, nondenominational magistrate cameras - Make sure to reserve the date and time you want or need for the wedding. If you need any special equipment, like a chuppah (ceremonial hall) to a Jewish wedding, make sure they are available. Ask prices and see if you can cut a deal considering the short term.

4. a book house
Hard to book a reception in so little time? Take it into the house of a relative. Chances are you are getting married in one of their places of origin (if not share it) or the current place of residence. What better way to save money on a banquet hall than by having the reception at the home of someone you know? Just make sure it is large enough to accommodate all your guests, food, cake, music and gifts. If you prefer, you can even have the ceremony at home.

5. find a wholesale florist
Find a local wholesale florist. Not only usually have many people working for them (ie they can get large orders in a short time), but since they receive their supplies will get a better wholesale price. Allergic to real flowers? Tell them to make false Ramos. They make it look so beautiful and you can even make them look real by adding effects (ie, clear glue droplets to see how the water).

6. plan the menu and do it yourself
Does not mean cook everything yourself, but you can order deli trays, vegetables and fruits and have someone pick them up and put them in the shelter during the ceremony. buying bottles of soda on sale and big bags of ice. Use cups and paper plates and use plastic utensils and buy a vinyl tablecloth projected. This will also make the cleaning much easier for whoever ends up cleaning. They agradecere you for it later.

7. friends, friends, friends
Still they need music, pictures and a cake? Ask your friends! Even if none of your friends is a DJ / KJ, photographer or baker, chances are you know some people who can get you a deal. If you can not afford a photographer, you probably have a friend who takes amazing photos. They make the memories of your wedding. If there are photos of the family and you want to make sure you let them know. That someone you know is famous for its cake things to do. It may not be the cake five levels dreamed when you were ten, but will be special with it. If you're lucky, you have a friend who specializes in decorating cakes can build your dream of five levels. Use a small boom box for music at the ceremony and just have someone push the buttons. Make CD mixes of the songs you want in the order you want. The person with a list of what is at stake when and let them source. They have the same person bring the boom box to the shelter so you have your wedding party intros, first dance, etc ..
So there you have it. It takes some time, but all the trouble you will avoid marrying so quickly. There will be no time change your mind about anything, much less change it several times. These seven tips will allow heart to have a wedding without complications, moderate budget of your dreams!

The case for selfcare

Self care has emerged as a hot topic for today's women trying to balance the responsibilities of work and family. Defines self-care as combinations of fulfilling activities or quiet moments that allow individuals to rejuvenate their energies and regain his joy for life.

Unfortunately, self-care is not generally supported by our culture, and some people equate self-care with abandoning responsibilities or being self-centered. Women often are criticized for taking better care of others than themselves. For example, you can hear someone say, "is not Sarah remarkable; it puts everyone's needs above his own." Or, Lisa, I do not know how it operates in only five hours of sleep per night; It is not that extraordinary? "As a result, many women are suffering near epidemic levels of physical, emotional and spiritual fatigue.

I think that taking time for yourself allows you to be a better wife, mother, friend and entrepreneur. Note the following:

It is to promote self-care. By implementing a healthy practice into your routine, you're taking charge of your life. You are the expert on your needs, and if you do not recognize the importance?

We are not benefiting our families when we take time for ourselves. Because we are emotionally drained, ones recognize that we are worn out and frustrated. While we do our best to respond to their needs, often they feel guilty for needing us.

When we are overwhelmed, we lack the energy and focus making it clear that you would normally. We are unable to problem solve in a useful way. By practicing self care regularly, we are better able to handle life's challenges.

They serve as role models for our children. When we take care of ourselves, we show an example of positive self-esteem and healthy behaviors.

He recently moved to a new area and have met several of my neighbors. Kerri lives near me and, like many of us, she and her husband are balancing career and family. As we turned up, I told Kerri that I am a coach and workshop leader of life for women, immediately launching the importance of self-care. Kerri and understand my philosophy and said, "I compare care of one of a cup in the sink itself as the cup sits there, gradually collecting raindrops No appreciable current of water is always necessary to keep full..; . drops enough time to fill up That's the way it is with self care; If I take care of myself slowly, I can then make my reservations and never be empty ". What a great analogy I learned from my new friend!

If we do a few things regularly, to renew our energy and revitalize our spirit, we can continue to offer to others from a place of abundance. We have within us further to share with our friends and family resources.

Challenge to try some of the activities (soothing and reflective or stimulants) for the next month. Organize the time in your schedule for self-care and notice how much better you feel. You and your loved ones are worth every precious moment you use to nurture.

Wednesday 15 July 2015

Chicago laser hair removal

Chicago, land of the brisk breeze and whipping wind, is also home to people who love laser hair removal. Chicago residents are busy people and quick to recognize the many positive aspects of laser hair removal: quick, efficient and permanent.

Laser hair removal can, for Chicago residents, rid them of unwanted hair line facial, back, leg and armpit or bikini. The only hair that can not be removed from a Chicago head by laser hair removal is fluff.

Within six months of laser hair removal by a licensed cosmetic specialist, one must get rid of 60 to 95 percent of that unwanted hair.

For information on reputable physicians, reliable in Chicago that perform laser hair removal, the best place to start - as with any business or medical recommendation - would get suggestions from friends and family. There is nothing better than a recommendation from a friend, family member or colleague whose opinion has in esteem.

The following resource may be your family doctor. If these ideas may not always get online and check out the various resources of Internet yellow pages. In Chicago, the primary Yellow Page carrier would be Verizon, whose listings online yellow pages are in In fact, the results of the search to a good net Chicago laser hair removal specialists.

Note also that laser hair removal specialists are not all physicians. Specific training for laser hair removal is offered not only for Chicago specialists but also for others in every corner of the globe.

Laser hair removal treatment training for Chicago area professionals includes the biology and growth cycles of human hair, laser physics, safety concerns of the treatment and the best way to market the business of treatment of laser hair removal.

One thing for sure in Chicago: hair removal is gaining much popularity. If you have hair to be deleted permanently, then you may want to perform laser hair removal as a viable option. Alternatively, if you are considering getting into a beauty business is on an upward trend, laser hair removal is an idea to check out!

Hair style magazines waste money, these are the best

It's no secret that there are a lot of misleading beauty advice there. Why So where to turn for the latest styles, trends and advice? A good place to start is with a leading, reputable Magazine style magazine or black hair.

When you choose one of the leading hair style magazines or black hair magazines over other publications, access to the latest trends and insider secrets in the beauty industry. You no longer have to wait until it becomes a popular trend and dozens of people are using before catching. By subscribing to a magazine hair style, you can keep your eye on the upcoming styles and get there before anyone else.

Why So which style magazine should you buy? Here are comments from five leading hair style magazines to aid you in your decision (and details of how you can get discounted prices):

"American Hall. American Salon is the style of head hair Magazine among professionals. Within the pages of this magazine are insider secrets, trends and techniques have been introduced only for professional beauty line. Here you can learn about the latest innovative products and beauty treatments, the latest cut and color trends, and other tidbits of knowledge while the professionals do. While this magazine is great to stay informed about everything that is happening in the industry beauty, is not ideal for choosing your next haircut. Filled with industry jargon and how-to articles, most of the information contained in this hair style magazine would not appreciate a non-professional.

"Celebrity Hairstyles. If you are looking for all the hottest styles worn Hollywood, Celebrity Hairstyles could be just the hair style magazine to bring all together for you. Ever wonder how Hilary Duff and Faith Hill got those softly tousled locks? I wonder no more. Not only is this hair style magazine full of pictures of the latest celebrity styles also has technical information on how to do that you can take along with you to the salon.

"Hair hype. When it comes to finding a black leader hair magazine, there is none better than the hair of Hype. Called the" style guide for black women today, "it features hype hair-date innovative hairstyles, interviews, contests and funky fresh hair styles. From the elegant and sedate funky and corn rowed, there is a style for everyone in this black hair magazine.

"Modern Lounge. This hair style magazine is similar to American Salon in that it caters to professionals. With the latest trends and interviews with top professionals, modern living takes a fresh, modern look in the beauty industry as a whole including nails, makeup, hair color, skin care.

"Short Hair Styles. This is perhaps the hair style magazine and black hair magazine that I have seen since in the living room more often by customers. The pages of Short Hair Styles are filled with color photos of the latest colors and styles cutting. Here you can find a cut for any texture of hair and ethnicity. From the textured spike to the soft curled, there is really a short style for everyone in this magazine.

In addition to these hair style magazines, there are several women's magazines that offer fabulous hair care tips. Vogue, Glamour and First are just a sampling of the many magazines that offer items for deep hair care tips hair care professionals. For many, these magazines are the best way to keep up with current trends and style ideas.

Tuesday 14 July 2015

Natural Mineral Makuep give the gift of Mineral Makeup to Fight Acne

The holiday season is fast approaching, and maybe have a special someone who suffers from acne. The dilemma is how to present them with a gift this holiday season that helps them to fight acne without seeming overly rude or insulting in the process.

Believe me, some people offends the idea of ​​trying to help you with gifts of "practical" to help with your condition. Although it was meant to please. Most people want that is not only pleasing to the eye, but also has both use and meaning in their world.

For the acne sufferer who wish to acquire a bottle of Proactiv for themselves, but receiveing ​​as altogher gift is another story. Something that is really nice astheitally and helps fight and prevent acne can be a challenge.

There is an option however; mineral makeup is a solution that is not only pleasing to the eye, but is also recommended by dermatologists the world over to help fight acne and calm the skin. Because mineral makeup is free of oil and dust from land so beautiful not clog pores it is ideal to prevent new breakouts.

Mineral makeup is made from natural minerals extracted from the earth and ground into a fine powder. Different combinations of the minerals produce different colors for a wide range of colors so there is no need for dies or chemicals.

Mineral makeup is not soluble in water and sheilds skin moisture getting into the pores when worn. If he dies moisture to enter the pores, bacteria that feeds acne. The primary ingredients in mineral makeup are titanium dioxide and zinc oxide. You may recognize these minerals in the ingredients list on the back of any bottle of sunscreen. This is because these minerals are natural protector. Zinc oxide is also known as it has properties skin soothing.

Mineral makeup is very pleasing to the eye because the powders melt on the skin perfectly and need a small amount to cover the skin that look very natural. Zinc oxide and titanium dioxide also reflact light and give your face a beautiful glow without looking shiny.

Make sure you check the labels, but for Oxychloride of Bismouth, a mineral added to some top name brands to give the makeup a shiny look. Bismouth Oxychloride can irritate acne.

Giving the gift of every healthy natural beauty this season does not have to be impossible with mineral makeup.