Monday, 22 June 2015

Weight gain during pregnancy, choosing the right foods

There are many things you can do to improve your diet and make sure you get a minimal but healthy amount of weight during pregnancy.

Choosing the right foods is important because you will be able to lose weight more quickly after delivery if you manage your diet during pregnancy.

So here's what you need to do during pregnancy to ensure weight loss success after:
Tip 1
Choose whole foods. Whole foods are foods that are nutrient dense. Think unprocessed foods, whole grains and wild rice. Whole foods do not include waffles and pancakes!

Tip 2
Add calories during the second quarter. Eating for two does not literally mean eating for two. In fact during the first trimester your baby is about the size of a small bean! Most women do not really need to start adding 300 calories a day to your diet until the second and third quarters.

Tip 3
Make sure you get a portion of protein, carbohydrate and fat at every meal. It will help if your meals are divided into six mini meals per day. This will help speed up your metabolism. Then sure to eat some protein, carbohydrates and fats in every meal mini. This will help nourish your body completely and help prevent cravings throughout the day.

Tip 4
Choose foods high in fiber. Foods high in fiber will help fill when you are hungry during pregnancy, and also help relieve constipation and helps you feel good! A diet high in fiber is good for anyone, whether or not pregnant.

Tip 5
Drink extra water. You are thirsty than normal anyway during pregnancy. Drinking water helps flush toxins from your system and helps prevent excessive edema. Although you can not actually fight weight gain associated with edema if you drink more water!

Remember that pregnancy is a short time in the long journey that is your life period. You should enjoy every moment of it. Following the tips above, you can get the right amount of weight and feel good during pregnancy.

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